2023 研究成果如下:



Yang, SJH*, Ogata, H., & Matsui, T. (2023). Guest Editorial: Human-centered AI in Education: Augment Human Intelligence with Machine Intelligence. Computers & Education, 26 ( 1 ) , 95- 98. (SSCI , IF: 2.633)


Huang AYQ, Lu OHT & Yang SJH* (2023). Effects of artificial Intelligence–Enabled personalized recommendations on learners' learning engagement, motivation, and outcomes in a flipped classroom, Educational Technology & Society, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104684 (SSCI , IF: 11.182)


Lin, CC, Huang, AYQ, Yang, SJH* (2023). A Review of AI-Driven Conversational Chatbots Implementation Methodologies and Challenges (1999–2022), Sustainability, 15 (5), 4012; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su15054012 (SSCI , IF: 3.889)


Huang, AYQ, Chang, JW, Yang, ACM, Ogata, H., Li ,ST ., Yen, RX, & Yang, SJH * (2023). Personalized Intervention based on the Early Prediction of At-risk Students to Improve Their Learning Performance. Educational Technology & Society, 26 (4), 69-89. DOI:https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202310_26(4).0005 (SSCI , IF: 2.633)


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